Burning up at the first home football game
Written by Lily Roberts on September 14, 2023
By Lily Roberts / Staff Writer
Kansas Wesleyan University experienced their first football home game on Saturday, August 26, and it was a hot one. The, “hottest summer on record,” (Falk, 2023) was felt by all at the 10 in the morning game, with audience members feeling dizzy and sick with the metal bleachers roasting their skin, but especially by the athletes on the field. Football players from both teams, Kansas Wesleyan University and Bethany College, cheerleaders, and dancers alike were putting in their best effort into keeping the audience cheerful and lively, but were experiencing symptoms of heat exhaustion.

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Grace Hutchinson is a sophomore dancer at Kansas Wesleyan, and she had a tough time at the game.
“I could not perform the halftime routine that we have been practicing for two weeks. I felt like I let my team down, but I needed to be selfish to take care of myself. I am super proud of the team for pushing through and completing the routine and for being understanding.”
The football team had a tough first half, only leading by one touchdown. But during halftime, the team was able to go inside to the air conditioning and relax to prepare for the second half, and score more touchdowns. AJ Cahee, a wide receiver on the Kansas Wesleyan football team made it known that they were going to come back stronger in the second half.
“The team was feeling the heat, weather and pressure from Bethany College alike. In the locker rooms, hopes were high, but we needed to be strong and keep our motivation high. In the end, the score showed our hard work and effort. I am proud of myself and my team for showing up.”
Kansas Wesleyan managed to finish the first home game with a win 31-3.
Kansas itself experienced a record breaking summer heatwave. With temperatures reaching over 100 degrees fahrenheit constantly for days turning into weeks, it was a humid, sweaty and unsafe summer. On Sunday, August 19, record breaking numbers were felt all over the state of Kansas, with Lawrence Kansas reaching 134 degrees fahrenheit. Many news companies and radio stations across Kansas made heat advisory warnings, saying, “Cancel or reschedule activities or move them inside. This is life-threatening heat and any and all precautions should be taken” (Livingston, 2023).