Fellowship of christian athletes highlight
Written by Savannah Koga on November 8, 2023
By Savannah Koga / Staff Writer
Arguably one of the biggest parts of attending college is all the extracurricular actives available. Kansas Wesleyan University provides a handful of extracurriculars and clubs for students to join. There is a wide range of organizations depending on individuals interest. Since KWU is a methodist school and 70% of enrollment is athletes, Fellowship of Christian Athletes in one of the fastest growing clubs on campus.

FCA leader Kristi running FCA table for trunk or treat
FCA is an organization, related to KWU Campus Ministry, that helps lead athletes through their sport and college experience with the support of the Christian tradition and church. Though you do not have to be an athlete or coach in order to attend. FCA is an open and welcoming club to anyone that is interested.
The organization asks for one student-athlete from each athletic team to represent FCA. This student-athlete will be there to help encourage others through hard times within their respective activity through the Christian teachings. As well as acting as a connection between KWU FCA and their team. They are also apart of the FCA leadership team. The leadership team takes part in different roles to achieve a successful program, which includes the President, treasurer, secretary, social media accountant, and campus representatives.
FCA meets once a week on Thursday nights. In the basement of the University United Methodist Church the evenings consist of discussions, prayer, games and lesson focused on the relationship of being a student-athlete and a Christian.

FCA leaders hosting annual Fields of Faith
The FCA values a relationships and commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word. They use Christian teachings to show students have they should serve, possess integrity, demonstrate teamwork, and glorify excellence.
“FCA has done a lot for me on a personal level and on a spiritual level. FCA was a huge deal to me in high school because it got me closer to people who were all striving to be closer towards God and it held me accountable with people I enjoyed to be around. Then COVID happened which threw huge wrenches in things. Then I got the opportunity to be apart of FCA here at KWU and it has gotten me right back in that journey of growing my relationship with God. I have gotten the opportunity to be apart of the leadership team and grow closer to a smaller group of it has been the greatest thing for me and my life.” FCA President, Coulson Riggs, sophomore from Piedmont, Oklahoma.
“I have been involved in FCA since I was a little girl and it was at FCA Conference that I asked Jesus into my heart. FCA is where I found a fire and a passion for ministry and serving Jesus, and it still encourages me to use athletics as a tool to be a light for Christ on and off the court.” Abigail Palmer, leadership team member, sophomore from Blue Rapids, Kansas.
If interested in joining, contact Aaron Glendening for more information. To stay updated on all things FCA and events click here.