KWU Student Athletes On Honor Roll

Written by on February 14, 2025

President’s and Dean’s Honor Roll

Kansas Wesleyan released its Fall 2024 semester Honor Roll a couple weeks ago. Naming 516 students who was honored. This being a 13% increase from the previous semester. Full time students who had a 3.75 GPA or higher are listed on President’s Honor Roll. Those with 3.25-3.74 are listed on Dean’s Honor Roll.

As we know being a full time college student is very difficult already itself, but a lot of the students listed here are actually athletes here as well at Kansas Wesleyan. Making them full time student athletes which is not an easy title to carry. Looking at some of the students who were able to do both and exceed past the standards as well. And what they do on a day to day basis. As well as tips for other students athletes to exceed pass the standard. 

Student Athlete Life

Sophomore, Tucker Bowman, who is a Business Management major. And is the starting point guard for the KWU Men’s basketball team. Was listed on President’s Honor Roll. Along with Bowman,  Sophomore, Paige Chauncey, who is an accounting major. And also starts for the KWU women’s basketball team. Is listed on the President’s  Honor Roll as well. These two players walked us through their non-game day tasks.

It consists of waking up and being at weights at 7:30 AM, getting ready then going to class at 9:00 AM, rather it was between or after classes going to individual workout groups for 45 minutes, then going to practice typically from 3-5 or 7-9, then getting any extra shots up or treatment, and usually ending the day with homework. This is just a typical normal day. On some game days the teams has to travel to further opponents which automatically takes away half the day. This can be hard to balance between trying to get good grades and having the pressure to excel everyday and night in your sport.

However, some tips these two mentioned starting with Tucker Bowman was, “I just constantly plan ahead like as soon as I hear a assignment is due or test coming up I’m already making a mental note or in my phone planning on when to do it. And I just get it done with and out the way. That keeps me on top of things”. Paige Chauncey mentioned how. “showing up to class and participating, getting to know your teachers so you can ask if you need help, and just staying ahead on study guides and studying for exams”. Are all good ways to excel as a student athlete. 

photo by Angel Roman

photo by Angel Roman

Student Athlete Life

Senior, Angel Roman who is a Sports Management major. And big part of KWU women’s flag football team. Also was listed on the President’s Honor Roll. And Junior, Sara Bebout who is a Pre-Athletic Training major and is apart of the KWU women’s volleyball team. Is listed on the Dean’s Honor Roll.

Bebout was happy that her student athlete load was a little less with the season being over. Although during the season she stated how, “doing homework with friends really helped me get through my studies. Roman who schedule has been busy since the start of the year with two a day practices, weights, team study halls and bondings, and also taking pictures on the side. Mentioned “having effective time management skills would be my number one tip.” 

photo by Montanna Packett

Good luck To All

As Kansas Wesleyan has many successful students athletes on these lists. These are just some relatable students athletes challenges through out their student athlete life. And some helpful tips to help other students who possibly want to make one of the honor roll lists as well. Good luck to all students on their 2025 Spring semester.

Check out all the honoree names for 2024 Fall Semester.

Check out some more stories on athletes here. 


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