Author: Beau Grant
Page: 2
By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor The Kansas Wesleyan University Men and Women’s basketball team picked up victories over rival Bethany. First, the women’s game was the closer one with the Coyotes squeaking out the win 71-66. The Yotes have played a hard non-conference schedule up to this point and came in with 4-5 record, […]
By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor The Kansas Wesleyan football team took on the Saint Mary’s Spires for the 2023 homecoming game. Head Coach Matt Meyers knew this was an important game going in, “St. Mary will challenge us in ways we haven’t seen this season,” and challenge they did as Saint Mary’s kept it […]
By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor The Kansas Wesleyan Men’s Soccer team took on some KCAC matchups this week. The first was on Tuesday against Tabor. A preview of this year’s team can be found here: Fall sports preview: Coyotes ready to get rolling ( There was not much action in the first half. Both […]
By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor The defending Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference champs Kansas Wesleyan University volleyball took on McPherson Wednesday night. The atmosphere in Mabee Arena is what made the night special, as the Kansas Wesleyan baseball team made an appearance and was loud and proud the whole night. “The match was exciting, it […]
By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor Kansas Wesleyan University had a full slate of home games this past week, which means catching up on how fall sports are doing. If you want to see the pre-season preview for each team, check out this: Fall sports preview: Coyotes ready to get rolling ( The Coyote football […]
By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor The Kansas Wesleyan University men’s golf team competed in the Southern Christian University (SCU) invitational golf tournament this past week, and took home first place. This is the team’s second tournament of the year as they kicked off the season on August 28 at the UC Ferguson Classic. Aberdeen, SD, senior […]
By Jacob Simpson and Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editors Fall sports is right around the corner at Kansas Wesleyan University, and athletic director Miguel Paredes opened up about what his expectations are for fall sports athletes on the field and in the classroom. “They’re set high, number one,” Paredes said about KWU winning the […]
Pickleball has been one of the fastest growing sports around the world and it has been around longer than you thought. Pickleball was created by three men in 1965, Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum. In 1967 the first pickleball court was constructed in the backyard of Pritchard’s home. In 1972 an official corporation […]
In 2023, Kansas Wesleyan University will be opening a new dining hall and building new tiny homes for students to live in. I feel that there are some pros and cons to each of these decisions. First the dining hall, if you ask me I think the dining expeirience here isn’t as bad as compared […]