Author: Shaw Lee
The Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes baseball team began their season with a trip down to Louisiana. They took on LSU-Alexandria and Louisiana Christian University in a pair of double headers. The Coyotes took a 12-hour bus ride down to Alexandria a day early to get practice in. This was the first time they were able to […]
Last week, we took a look at what students were looking forward to for the Super Bowl. We also looked at the bigger impact it has than just a football game. That article can be found here: Edit Post “The Super Bowl: More than a Game” ‹ KWUStudentMedia — WordPress This week here at KWU […]
This Sunday the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles are playing in Super Bowl 59. Here’s everything you need to know about the game that brings people from all walks of life together to experience something they might not always have enjoyed. Worldwide Impact According to an article, there were approximately 200 million viewers […]
KWU Student Media sat down with Associate Professor of Theater Arts Karen Babcock Brassea. She discussed her past in the theater, gave praise to one of her great up-and-coming students, and talked about the plans for the KW theater this semester. One Busy Woman Karen Babcock Brassea is a tenured professor here at Kansas Wesleyan. […]
The KWU Baseball team wrapped up their organized fall practices last week with the annual Fall World Series. In this event, two coaches on the staff draft all the players onto separate teams. Those teams then faced off in a five-game series to determine a winner. Graduate assistants Jalen Jones and Blake Maddock served as […]
The Christmas Worship Project, a musical and worship service, took place last Monday, December 2. The service was in the brand new Sam’s Chapel in Pioneer Hall on the campus of Kansas Wesleyan University. Students and staff from the KWU music department, KWU theatre department, and Rise Up! performed in the project. Sam’s Chapel recently […]
KWU’s annual homecoming week of events is coming soon. It will take place from Thursday Oct. 17. through Sunday Oct. 2 On Thursday, the KWU theater is putting on a production of “Kodachrome” in the Fitzpatrick Auditorium at 7 p.m. There is performances Friday at 7 and Sunday at 2.. There is over 15 separate […]
Many people don’t know when Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month is. It is celebrated during different months in different places around the world. Here at Kansas Wesleyan, the baseball team celebrates it in November by coming together to bring awareness to this important cause. Movember Their efforts began when Coach Bret Ringer challenged everyone on […]
Rebekah Becker and Marvin Mitchell II, the Coordinators of Student Engagement, stressed how impactful intermural and student engagement can be on college kids. The intermural sand volleyball games started last week. They were supposed to be played on Thursdays and Sundays from 4-6 p.m. Only two teams who have signed up so there are currently […]
Kansas Wesleyan student athletes came together on Thursday, November 7th, in the SAC for their monthly FCA meeting. And the overall mission for the night was to pack as many shoeboxes as possible for the Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child. These shoeboxes are filled with small essentials and other items that are sent to kids […]