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The Kansas Wesleyan University Department of Music held an Orchestra and Wind Ensemble Concert on October 5th, 2023. This is a gallery of photos from that event. All photos taken by Photography Editor Ryah Klima. The photos from the student recitals held on October 4th can be found here.

The Kansas Wesleyan University Department of Music held their first evening of student recitals on October 4th, 2023. This is a gallery of photos from that event. All photos taken by Photography Editor Ryah Klima. The photos from the orchestra and wind ensemble concert can be found here.

By Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editor The Kansas Wesleyan Men’s Soccer team took on some KCAC matchups this week. The first was on Tuesday against Tabor. A preview of this year’s team can be found here: Fall sports preview: Coyotes ready to get rolling (  There was not much action in the first half. Both […]

By Lily Roberts / Staff Writer Last month was September, and it is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month, a time when individuals, organizations, and communities come together to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and suicide prevention. This annual observance serves as a reminder that suicide is a public health crisis that can […]

Elijah Resano / Staff Writer The month of October is celebrated as Filipino American History Month nationwide in the United States, celebrating the achievements, culture and contributions of Filipinos and Filipino Americans to American history. In a census in 2019, 4.2 million Filipinos, or Americans with Filipino descent, were reported to be living in the […]

By Ryah Klima / Photography Editor September 11, 2001, is a date that many Americans will never forget. On that day, 2,996 people lost their lives in a devastating attack on the United States. Thousands more were injured. Only twenty survivors were pulled from the rubble. Twenty-two years later, Americans still make a conscious effort […]

Coach Biegert has Coyotes back on track heading into meat of KCAC schedule. Head Coach Jessica Biegert and the Kansas Wesleyan University volleyball team seems to have picked up right where they left off a season ago, starting 5-0 in conference play and riding a 10 game win streak despite their tough start to the […]

Nicolas Fierro / Staff Writer Less than a year ago, I was in disbelief to the point where I told myself, “wow this is actually happening.” I was about to act in front of a live audience for the first time in my life. Moments before stepping out on stage for “The Gift of the […]

By Elijah Resano / Staff Writer Last Friday evening, renowned actor and political activist George Takei visited Salina in the Stiefel Theatre. He came to talk about his experiences as a Japanese American in World War II and recounted his life in American concentration camps during the war. Takei was welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd, […]

By Elijah Resano / Staff Writer When I’m not drowning myself in homework, frantically trying to get it all done in one day so I can have the rest of the week free or going on an eight-hour long video game marathon, I find myself taking the time to go outside. I’m not a nature […]

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