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By Elijah Resano / Staff Writer Last Friday marked the beginning of the month of September, and to a greater extent, Hispanic Heritage Month. Kansas Wesleyan University will celebrate the occasion through a variety of planned events to celebrate the Hispanic community that thrives on campus. Kicking it off, Shriwise Dining Hall, also known as […]

By Nicolas Fierro / Staff Writer Kansas Wesleyan University Esports is receiving recognition around the student body. Students from all over KWU are joining esports to play their favorite video games.  Ethan Weis, Coordinator of Student Engagement and Esports arrived at KWU last year and plans to grow the program. Weis has decided to open the […]

By Jacob Simpson and Beau Grant / Co-Sports Editors Fall sports is right around the corner at Kansas Wesleyan University, and athletic director Miguel Paredes opened up about what his expectations are for fall sports athletes on the field and in the classroom.   “They’re set high, number one,” Paredes said about KWU winning the […]

It’s February which means Black History Month is here! Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans to the United States. Now some people have always wondered why Black History Month is in February. They changed Black History Month to February in 1976 because February has two important figures’ […]

Valentines Day is Coming! Valentine’s Day is upon us everyone! Even those who don’t have a special someone on Valentines Day you still deserve love and appreciation. That being said Valentine’s day becomes a sadder holiday if you don’t have a significant other to spend it with. Suicide rates tend to go up on February […]

Thanksgiving’s on Its Way! Thanksgiving is coming right around the corner. People all across America are probably already doing their Thanksgiving dinner shopping. But the real question is….. What are they buying? Most people argue what are actually “Thanksgiving foods”. Whether the Thanksgiving main food is turkey or ham. What are everyone’s favorite sides and […]

Getting Some Grub This past week was homecoming week at Kansas Wesleyan University. There were many homecoming activities throughout the week but one of the biggest ones was the homecoming pep rally. Before the pep rally they had a cookout in the Student Activities Center for all the students to eat. With the Den and […]

At the Spring 2022 Kansas Wesleyan University Commencement ceremony, more than 200 undergraduates and graduates will have achieved academic success and will cross the stage to receive their diploma of graduation. Kansas Wesleyan starts early in the Spring semester preparing students for what is to come. A checklist is provided so that the student’s anxiety […]

Last week, KWU senior Sisipako Vihekite unveiled the story of his transition from visions of playing Major League Baseball to now a heavily-devoted powerlifter who also entertains millions of accounts on the famous social media app known as TikTok.    What made his story so interesting was the total 180 degree turn in mindset that […]

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