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One of the most iconic scenes from the 1993 classic “The Sandlot ” is the part where Benny Rodriguez and his gang of neighborhood misfits rush to the ball field for their only night game of the Summer on the 4th of July. As Rodriguez rounds the bases and all of his teammates direct their […]

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s the busiest month for the Multicultural Student Union at Kansas Wesleyan University. That’s because February is the month in which America recognizes and celebrates the contributions of African Americans to the country’s history, whether it be pop culture, politics, etc. This year especially will […]

Kansas Wesleyan University students, friends and family were graced with the talents of Xuchu (Tony) Lu on January 26th at the University United Methodist Church. Mr. Lu earned his MM in Piano Performance from Austin Peay State University in 2021. He was the instructor for several undergraduate and graduate level music literature, applied piano, and […]

From theatre, DECA, nursing, United Methodist, debate and forensics, and STEM to simply being a Salina high school graduate, can set you up to receive a scholarship that will aid in your financial burden and help you afford and pay for college. That’s right! Simply being a high school or home school graduate from Saline […]

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