Student Life
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At Kansas Wesleyan University, there are many academic support systems that are available for students to utilize. Whether that be for academic guidance, help with classes, or looking for a place to study, The Albert Nelson Student Success Center is the place to go. Located on the first floor of Memorial Library, the Student Success […]
What is the Multicultural Student Union? The MCSU is a club at KWU that promotes diversity on campus. As the Club president Shanya Murape stated, “My goal as president of MCSU is to intertwine international students and American Students as a melting pot. To help spread culture and stories. To give everyone a home away […]
For many the role of a Resident Director (RD) may seem mysterious, but it is an important position within the structure of dorm life at many colleges and universities. Marleigh Maldonado, an experienced RD, shared her insights and experiences in this important role. From the benefits to the challenges, here’s what she had to say […]
Student-Athletes November was a busy month for our KWU athletes. Four teams made it to their respective championships: soccer, football, and men’s and women’s cross country all went far in their seasons. Two student-athletes had achievements this month making KWU proud to have them as Coyotes. Santiago Pagnutti, a senior soccer player was named KCAC […]
Christmas is almost upon us which means it’s time to celebrate the holiday appropriately. With Christmas comes an abundance of yearly traditions that always help boost the morale of that seasonal joy. Most of the fun traditions are rather silly but are always a handful of fun. With students from all different backgrounds come all […]
This weeks Kansas Wesleyan International student athlete spotlight goes to Lewis Potter Scarborough. Lewis is a defender standing at 6’1 175 pounds. Lewis, works in the den at the school, and is one of the kindest, most friendly humans. However, on the soccer field, he’s known as the enforcer of the team. His job is […]
Upcoming on Saturday November 2nd, Salina Crossroads Marathon will be taking place in downtown Salina for its third consecutive year. The event has been a local attraction since it started in 2022 and this year has lined up over 5,000 participants from seven different countries and three separate continents. There will be six competitive events […]
The Christmas Worship Project, a musical and worship service, took place last Monday, December 2. The service was in the brand new Sam’s Chapel in Pioneer Hall on the campus of Kansas Wesleyan University. Students and staff from the KWU music department, KWU theatre department, and Rise Up! performed in the project. Sam’s Chapel recently […]
The Kansas Wesleyan University Music Department has filled December with festive musical events, including a wind ensemble and orchestra concert with Percussion, music student recitals, choir performances, and the annual Christmas by Candlelight. Every music student, major and non-major, has worked diligently to represent KWU with excellence. Their hard work and dedication have made the […]
Many people don’t know when Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month is. It is celebrated during different months in different places around the world. Here at Kansas Wesleyan, the baseball team celebrates it in November by coming together to bring awareness to this important cause. Movember Their efforts began when Coach Bret Ringer challenged everyone on […]