Student Life

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Thanksgiving is the time to acknowledge and show appreciation towards your loved ones for all the things they do that you’re truly thankful for.  But even more so than that, Thanksgiving is typically thought of as a day for big feasts.  Kansas Wesleyan University is home to an incredibly diverse community of students with different […]

It’s more than just a rhyme, it’s a way of life and learning for the talented student-athletes who comprise the Kansas Wesleyan University Flag Football team. Under the eye and leadership of Coach Melinda Nguyen and her assistants, Ja’Daa Wilson and Chris Snyder, these young women keep their academics front and center both on-and-off the […]

Meet Darius Horvath. This unassuming student-athlete is actually the Captain of the Kansas Wesleyan University Men’s Soccer team. He’s also a newcomer to not just Salina, but to the United States of America, as well. Horvath comes to campus from Hungary…by way of England and Scotland. NewsDest reporter Ava Duerr has the details of Horvath’s […]

 It’s not often we get the chance to highlight the work of one of our own Student Media content creators, but Freshman Ava Duerr, from Maryland, is a Marketing major and player for the Kansas Wesleyan University Flag Football team has already made her mark as a student producer. But Duerr’s story is more complex […]

Kansas Wesleyan student athletes came together on Thursday, November 7th, in the SAC for their monthly FCA meeting. And the overall mission for the night was to pack as many shoeboxes as possible for the Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Christmas Child. These shoeboxes are filled with small essentials and other items that are sent to kids […]

This is Londyn Ysidro. She is from Wichita, Kansas, near the Haysville Derby area, which is one hour and twenty minutes drive from campus. She is only a freshman here at Kansas Wesleyan University but is a part of the softball team and is majoring in sports marketing. Ysidro doesn’t live far away from home […]

On November 14th, the Kansas Wesleyan University dance team brought energy and laughter to children as they read aloud, incorporating fun dance moves into their performance. The Salina Public Library hosts a variety of events daily for all ages. Hosting different themed Storytime events weekly, with different guests every time. The KWU dance team was […]

With the start of the school year comes a new set of class presidents. The class president results were announced a few weeks ago.   Freshmen President- Zachary Daley Sophomore President- Noah Carrazco Junior President- Lauren Cardwell Senior President- Clay Gagnon Congratulations to the Class Presidents!     This year there is new Student Government […]

I am not from Salina, Kansas, but I attend Kansas Wesleyan University. Originally I am from Deerfield, Kansas. A small town near Garden City, KS, three and a half hours away from Salina. When I came to college it was my first time moving because I have always lived in Deerfield, so I was worried […]

With election season wrapping up and votes being totaled together, American citizens have made their decisions and elected for who they would like to see in office.  Every four years the month of November always becomes a time of political divide as many people openly express their conflicting opinions on what should and shouldn’t be […]

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